Are you looking into studying to further your career? A Florida medical assistant school could be the way to go if you want to get into the medical field. What does a medical assistant do though, and if you go to school, what do you learn? Here are all the answers you need.
What Does A Medical Assistant Do?
A medical assistant is someone who assists medical experts in their day to day work. They’re often expected to complete several different types of task throughout any typical day. These tasks can include taking vital signs, administering medications, booking appointments, and processing data. As you can see, someone going into this field needs to be versatile, hard-working, and ready for a challenge.
What Qualifications Do You Need?
To start working in this field, you don’t actually need formal certification. These days though, with competition for jobs being fierce, it’s advisable that you do get certification in medical care. The most common certification that’s advisable to get is the Medical Assistant Certification Exam or the CCMA. Here at the FVI School of Nursing and Technology, we offer this certification so you can be well prepared for employment after graduation. https://www.youtube.com/embed/WlVrWdlu22U
What Do You Learn At Medical Assistant School?
If you study to become a medical assistant, there’s a huge range of skills you need to learn. Here’s just a few that you’ll cover if you study under us.
- Recordkeeping: In work, you’ll be expected to keep detailed and accurate records of a patient’s details and treatment. A medical assistant program will show you how to keep records easily and accurately.
- Phlebotomy: You’ll need the skills to be able to take blood samples from patients when needed. Training will show you how to use and take care with needles, handle blood samples, and more.
- X-Rays: You’ll be required to be able to take a limited amount of X-Rays. Our training will show you exactly how it’s done.
- Patient preparation: You’ll be expected to be able to prepare patients for surgery and minor procedures. Training will show you what you’ll need to do during the process, and the best practice to do so.
These are just a few skills you’ll learn in a training program, there’s a lot more than you’ll be introduced to as your course goes on.
Who Can Apply For A Medical Training Program?
Anyone with a high school diploma of GED and who has the enthusiasm and commitment to undertake this course can be trained, so if you want to apply, you should go for it. Having said that being a medical assistant means that should have the following qualities:
- Strong communication skills: Anyone with a medical assistant degree should be able to communicate with patients every day, and help them understand their treatment.
- Able to handle stress: In a medical environment, you need to be able to deal with the stress that comes with it. There’s a lot to handle every day, and you need to be able to cope with whatever is thrown at you.
- Empathy: Being in the hospital, or under the care of a doctor, can be hard on patients. Even though you’ll see hundreds of patients, you still need to be able to put yourself in their shoes and show them the empathy they need to get through treatment.
We offer enrollment at both our Miami medical assistant school and Miramar medical assistant school.
Studying With FVI School of Nursing and Technology
So, you’ve decided that studying to get your medical assistant degree is the way to go. Why should you study with us?
- Flexible courses: We understand that students have their own needs outside of school. That’s why we can offer both day and evening classes.
- Financial aid is available for those who qualify.
- We have a career services team dedicated to assisting in resume creation, interview preparation, job search and placement assistance utilizing our network of hiring partners.
There are all kinds of reasons why training to be a medical assistant could be for you. Get in touch, and we’ll get you started in your new career.
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