- Your current role is Digital Marketing Manager. Is this the role that you expected to be in when you started in the workforce? How did it change?
I dreamed about being a journalist. My friends joined advertising, so I followed them. Later on, became a big fan of Mad Men and how women in the 60s started shining in the workforce. However, life offers different things and Marketing was my first job. I discovered my love for social media back in 2008 when Facebook didn’t even have business pages (organic content was reaching 100% of all followers on groups) to then realize that Digital Marketing is what I want to do for the rest of my life.
- Since you’ve worked in different positions throughout the years, do you remember any personal incident where you were made to feel inferior/superior solely for being a woman?
Being a Hispanic woman in the US sometimes can be challenging, especially if you’re trying to get to the top in a male-dominated world. That being said I have not felt discrimination directly but I surely know it’s there. I guess it depends on the field you work in.
- Do you feel women’s contributions at FVI have played an integral part in our success? Absolutely! FVI is a place where all kinds of women shine and each of them brings tremendous value to the success of this organization.
- What barriers have you faced, as a woman, in becoming successful in your field? How did you overcome them?
By being afraid and doing it anyway.
- What do you believe will be the biggest challenge for the generation of women behind you in the higher education field?
If as a woman you can overcome fear, and be confident, then there will be no challenges. As a collective group, when we have each other’s backs, we can conquer the world.
- If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would that be?
Follow your dreams, don’t procrastinate, go for what you want. And do not let go until you get there.