What to Look for When Considering a Hybrid Education Program
In today’s world and environment, schools need to adapt to challenging times, and student’s needs pretty quickly. At FVI School of Nursing and Technology, we understand and embrace this concept. That is why we adapted and evolved into hybrid learning in our Nursing, Medical Assistant, Pharmacy Technician, and Patient Care Technician programs.
But, what do you mean by hybrid learning?
Hybrid learning is basically a mixture of 2 things. Hybrid learning is a way of combining traditional classroom experiences, experiential learning objectives, and digital course delivery that emphasizes using the best option for each learning objective.
Due to CODIV-19, we are currently unable to be on campus all the time. The safety of our students, faculty, and team members is our priority. So we all had to move to work and study remotely. All classes are happening online, but there’s one aspect that is vital to the learning process at FVI. It’s a hands-on learning experience. Which is why those experiences need to happen on campus. No matter what anyone tells you, hands-on learning is the best way to learn a skill like Phlebotomy, EKG, Vital Signs, amongst many others.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Not all hybrid programs are created equally!
While we are offering hybrid learning in most of our programs, we understand that not all hybrid programs are created equally. Our approach to building solid hybrid learning programs is key when evaluating your educational options.
FVI School of Nursing and Technology’s hybrid programs starts with an online learning component. The online learning provided is not prerecorded lectures, it is synchronous learning. For more on why synchronous learning is critical for online learning, check out our blog entitled Synchronous Learning at FVI Online.
Our live online learning classes happen via Zoom and Canvas and provide face-to-face learning. Conducting class with a live instructor allows students to ask questions and fully grasp concepts. The online portion of FVI School of Nursing and Technology’s hybrid learning also allows students to:
- Have increased flexibility on where they learn: all that is needed is a computer and internet connection
- Care for children, elderly or sick family members at home. Be a family that learns together – Go to school at home while your children are next to you in class too!
- Preserve one of their greatest resources: their time. Not having to drive to and from campus, every day can save a student an hour plus of their time.
- Enter the workforce already comfortable using technology such as a computer, email, Microsoft Office programs, Zoom, and other technology used in hospitals, doctor’s offices, and pharmacies.
Online Learning is not enough, here’s why
In most Allied Health programs, including Nursing, Medical Assistant, Pharmacy Technician, and Patient Care Technician, 100% online learning is not enough. An allied health education program that is focused on student outcomes and success will also provide hands-on learning. There is no substitution for actually performing skills on a live person or medical manikin. Before taking a certification such as the CCMA (Certified Clinical Medical Assistant) or CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant), you want to be confident in your knowledge and ability to demonstrate the skills you have learned. If you have only performed skills virtually you are at a disadvantage.
Benefits of providing hands-on learning in our Nursing, Medical Assistant, Pharmacy Technician, and Patient Care Technician programs include:
- Greater success on tests and certification exams. Certification exams are in-person tests that require you to physically demonstrate your knowledge of required skills. You don’t want the first time that you are actually performing a skill on a live person or manikin to be when you’re taking a test!
- Increased comfort when a student enters the workplace and has to deal with live patients. FVI School of Nursing and Technology’s amazing Career Services department exists to help place FVI graduates. Their job is made easier because employers know that our graduates have received hands-on training.
- Small class sizes to allow for successful, safe hands-on learning on either FVI School of Nursing and Technology’s Miami or Miramar campus. The safety of our students, faculty, and team members is a priority. We only allow small groups of students on campus and allow a large window of time between groups. This allows students to practice safe social distance and for our facilities staff to ensure labs and areas of the school are disinfected between use.
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]If you have more questions on FVI School of Nursing and Technology’s approach to hybrid learning, or if you have any questions about our Nursing, Medical Assistant, Pharmacy Technician, or Patient Care Technician program, contact us today! It’s never been a better time to switch or enhance your career. A career in the recession-proof healthcare industry is a smart decision. Love Social Media? Follow us here! [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_facebook][vc_tweetmeme][/vc_column][/vc_row]