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Synchronous learning at FVI Online

Not all online learning is the same.  Synchronous learning means that classes happen live and in real-time.  This type of learning allows for interaction between the instructor and student and between students.  Instructors can explain complex concepts and answer questions live.  Students can receive immediate feedback and group discussions and activities can be conducted.  Due to our fast-paced and practical approach to learning, FVI School of Nursing and Technology and FVI School of Technology offers online synchronous learning

Tips to implement Synchronous learning successfully

At FVI, we have implemented our Synchronous learning strategy, starting with our Medical Assistant Program. Here are 3 tips for designing a successful synchronous learning strategy:

  1. TONE: One of the most important parts of creating an effective synchronous learning program is creating the ideal learning environment.  Attention spans are short.  You need to keep distractions to a minimum and keep your students engaged.  Make sure students know what the expectations are for the class so that they can be prepared.  Preparedness and engagement will allow for dynamic interactions among the class and help to facilitate learning.
  1. LESS TEXT: Do not use wordy presentations.  Keep slides to main concepts and bullet points.  Supplement slides with verbal discussions of topics and concepts.  Text-heavy presentations will mentally drain students and they will spend less time listening to the instructor and more time reading.
  1. FLEXIBILITY: Synchronous learning can still provide flexibility for students.  Keep in mind that students have responsibilities and lives outside of the virtual classroom.  Be mindful of real-world demands when setting homework and assignment due dates.  Also, be sure to record your classes for students to review again later or for absence students to view.

What does Synchronous Learning mean?

FVI School of Nursing and Technology and FVI School of Technology offers online synchronous learning.

Synchronous learning means that classes happen live and in real-time.

This type of learning allows for interaction between the instructor and student and between students.

Benefits of Synchronous Learning Include:

  • Instructors can explain concepts and answer questions live
  • Students can get immediate feedback
  • Group discussions and team activities are conducted

At FVI Online we are committed to personalized, practical hands-on learning.  Live classes offer the best experience and support for all our students.