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nursing grad in pinning ceremony

Nursing Student Support

FVI’s commitment to student support forms the heart of our institution’s culture. With a dedicated focus on your needs, whether you’re a working parent, a single parent, or navigating other life commitments, we’re here to support your educational journey. Our student-centric approach enhances your experience, ensuring that you have the resources and guidance needed to thrive.

Success Coaches

Your journey is guided by dedicated Success Coaches who offer personalized guidance, ensuring you navigate your studies with confidence.

Scheduled Group Tutoring

Experience a collaborative learning environment with our scheduled group tutoring sessions, where you connect with peers who share your goals.

Individual Tutoring

Tailored support is at your fingertips with our individual tutoring, helping you master concepts and deepen your understanding.

Accessible Instructors

Our instructors maintain an open line of communication and are always accessible, ensuring your questions are addressed promptly and comprehensively.

Career Services

Our career services team delivers personalized support and resources. We empower students to confidently navigate their job search and embark on rewarding careers.

FVI NCLEX Success Plan

Success Coaches and faculty guide you step-by-step through a consciously crafted NCLEX Success Plan, designed to increase graduates chances of passing the NCLEX on the first try.

Nursing Student Experience

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dr. forbes with nursing student

Achieving Nursing Excellence

The Associate of Science in Nursing program curriculum includes classroom, lab simulation, and hands-on clinical training. Clinical experience is provided through direct care and interaction with patients in a clinical setting. Students are taught nursing skills and clinical judgment in a controlled environment using high fidelity patient simulators. Students of our Miami nursing program and Miramar nursing program build confidence by practicing routine procedures in the skills lab and simulating crisis situations in the simulation center.

Nursing Faculty

At FVI, our faculty exceeds the role of educators to become invaluable mentors. Beyond teaching, our faculty members embody a culture of guidance, accessibility, and personalized support. Through direct one-on-one interaction, they nurture students, ensuring each individual’s growth.

Our Nursing faculty at FVI have a deep understanding of the journey you’re on – because it’s a journey we’ve undertaken ourselves. With an appreciation for diverse cultures and backgrounds, we create an inclusive environment where every student’s story matters.

Experience is our foundation. Our classes are led by accomplished faculty members who hold doctorate and master’s degrees. These experts bring a wealth of clinical bedside expertise, and many are currently working within hospital and healthcare systems, ensuring the knowledge they impart is rooted in real-world practice.

professor elisabet perez doing a video

Nursing Curriculum

At FVI, our curriculum is designed to equip students for first-time success on the NCLEX. Engineered for adult and visual learners, our interactive learning approach is both engaging and effective.

Recognizing the demands of adult learners, we offer flexible scheduling, with day and evening classes that cater to busy working adults and parents. Our approach is comprehensive: while general education courses are delivered through live online sessions led by instructors, core nursing classes are conducted on campus. This structure maximizes concept knowledge and hands-on experience, ensuring a well-rounded educational journey. FVI acknowledges the value of prior education, allowing for the transfer of up to 24 general education credits. (see catalog for details).

Our curriculum is grounded in scientific principles, ensuring a strong foundation for comprehensive nursing education.

Built around the lifecycle of a person, our curriculum follows a logical sequence that’s easy to follow and understand.

We prioritize evidence-based education, equipping students with the latest in nursing knowledge and practice.

Experience and Support

Our caring Nursing faculty at FVI have a deep understanding of the journey you’re on – because it’s a journey we’ve undertaken ourselves. With an appreciation for diverse cultures and backgrounds, we create an inclusive environment where every student’s story matters.

nursings student with faculty member

Personal Connection

We understand the challenges of the nursing journey because we've been there ourselves. This personal connection allows our faculty to empathize with your experiences and provide the support needed for success.

nursing students celebrating their white coat ceremony

Cultural Appreciation

FVI values the rich diversity of our student body. Our faculty members appreciate diverse cultures and backgrounds, fostering an inclusive environment where every student feels respected and valued.

nursing students during their white coat ceremony

Inclusive Environment

Creating an inclusive environment is a priority at FVI. We strive to ensure that every student’s story matters, and we embrace the unique perspectives each student brings to our community.

nursing student practicing her skills with elisabet perez

Student-Centered Approach

Our caring faculty is dedicated to a student-centered approach, focusing on your individual needs and learning styles. We aim to create a supportive and nurturing educational experience that empowers you to achieve your goals.

nursing faculty with guest speaker

Experienced Faculty

Our nursing faculty at FVI bring a wealth of experience to the classroom, having navigated the same journey you're on. Their firsthand knowledge and expertise ensure that you receive the highest quality education and practical insights into the nursing profession.

dr. walwema and markar hugging

Mentorship and Guidance

Beyond teaching, our faculty members act as mentors, offering personalized guidance and encouragement throughout your educational journey. Their commitment to your success extends beyond the classroom, helping you navigate the path to a rewarding nursing career.

Hear It From Our Students

We hope you can see how passionate we are about the student and their journey into/through healthcare. If you think FVI is right for you, let us know.  Have questions? We can answer them for you.

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Odalis Santa, Nursing Graduate
markar video cover
Markar Akopyan, Nursing Graduate
rene video cover
Rene, Registered Nurse

All nursing programs offered at FVI are approved by the Florida Board of Nursing Professional Nursing NCLEX Code Miramar US70415200 Professional Nursing NCLEX Code Miami US70418900 FVI School of Nursing and Technology (FVI) is licensed by the State of Florida, Commission for Independent Education (CIE) Miami (main) campus License Number: 3441/ Miramar campus License Number: 6010 The Associate of Science programs at FVI School of Nursing and Technology, Miramar, Florida and Miami, Florida are accredited by the Accredited Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). FVI School of Nursing and Technology is accredited by the Council on Occupational Education (COE) ID# 312400 since November 03, 2010

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing logo